Corrado Bibbolino, Presidente Eletto della sezione di Radiologia Forense e Segretario Nazionale SNR, è stato proclamato oggi membro onorario dell’American College of Radiology.
La cerimonia dell’investitura si è svolta a Washington, durante il Congresso Annuale dell’ACR. Di seguito la dichiarazione di Corrado Bibbolino durante la cerimonia di premazione:
“Thank you Dr. Kaye. Thank you to the Board of Chancellors and to the ACR.
This tremendous honor is the climax of my professional carrier within radiology and I will never be able to forget this evening. I want to give thanks to my family, and to that of my friends that made this dream possible, that is Leonard Berlin that I think may have been the main promoter of this award to me, a master of ethic and forensic radiology. And thank you to my friends, the leaders of the group of our Scientific Society SIRM and the Union of Radiologists SNR. I‘m only the speaker of a common and shared way of thinking. I have dedicated much of my time to researching the way in which our profession would not lose interpersonal relations with the patients and be overwhelmed by the extraordinary impressive growth of technology in the last forty years during my professional activity. I have always tried to find the best method of uniting the machine and the physician: technological advances are created as tools for men and not as a replacement. I spoke of this with one of my professors and good friend, Roberto Passariello, who was the last Italian awarded the honorary fellowship, nineteen years ago. And while sitting at his desk in the University of Rome, I looked up and saw the black plaque of Honorary Fellowship of ACR on the wall. It was a reference to his strong way of thinking and seeing the future of Radiology. My subscription to ACR, almost twenty years ago, represented the research of a different way of being a radiologist in Italy. Appropriateness criteria are in our profession stone milestones like those that were placed in the streets of Ancient Rome, which carried civilization to the other lands of the world. And I, teaching Radiology to the residents in Pneumology, taught them appropriateness criteria for the first time and not the radiologic signs. Countless articles of the JACR are like the North Star that shows the way to sail, and many initiatives such as Choosing Wisely, have followed and been implemented in my country. From USA ,the newest and strongest civilization to an ancient,Rome ,Italy. Artificial intelligence and deep learning are the next big challenge I have read all the articles of the special issue of JACR of March of this year :and we are ready to fight to become not the tool of a machine as in the visionary film of Kubrick, 2001 Odissey in the Space. People are different from one another and unique in their own way. They are not clones and A I may be the most important progress of Humanity if we are able to drive it and non be driven! Many forces want to take the place of physicians and substitute their role in the contact with the patients: a bad intended radiology is the way of entering for a flat, automatic medicine. Thanks to all of us and ACR that will not happen. We substituted the stethoscope with sonography, CT and MRI which are the new artists, because Radiology is an art and not a commodity. And us, together will make possible that it willn’t happen.
Thanks to you all for this extraordinary occasion and your attention.”